Help for Nikki Rasmussen Medical Bills and Health Update

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Help for Nikki Rasmussen Medical Bills and Health Update


Hi my name is Taylor Rasmussen, as many of you know my sister was in an accident on the side by side.

She flipped it and It went up in flames.

She was helicoptered to a hospital in Livingston which is 2 hours from me and an 1hr and 30 min from my parents.

Nikki was intubated and put on the ventilator..she was placed into a medically induced coma due to all her burns and the pain she was in.

They then took her to cat scan to see if her lungs or internal organs were damaged.

She did burn her tongue and part of her throat but her lungs are clear which is the good news!

They were able to remove the tube from her throat and she is now breathing with oxygen.

They took her to the burn tank to evaluate her and wrap up all her burns, they estimate that she has burns on 40% of her body.

As of now Nikki’s stay in the hospital is looking like it will be a month or more. Her burns are 2nd and 3rd degree so surgery is an option at this point for skin grafts.

I wouldn’t normally be the one to ask but any little thing will help my family with these medical bills and the expenses it’s going to take driving back and forth everyday or staying in a hotel up there.

Thank you for everyone who has her in their prayers. We appreciate everyone !

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