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Branchburg Police Charge Jerry Otero for Breaking Umpire’s Jaw
Branchburg, New Jersey Umpire
An Umpire was seriously injured
when he was attacked
by a Staten Island Coach.
An Umpire was seriously injured in an attack during a youth baseball game.
A Staten Island parent coach allegedly hit the Umpire so hard, he was left with broken jaw.
The 72-year old umpire was punched Saturday, June 4th.
During the game, the umpire said there were no close calls.
It was nothing about the score and was in between innings, when he came up to him and called him a piece of expletive.
The coach kept cursing at him, eventually punched him in the face and drove off in his truck.
The Umpire's jaw was broken and needed to be wired shut as he awaits surgery.
The Staten Island team is praying for the Umpire and the coach was removed immediately.