Rest in peace Deptford Police Officer Robert Shisler

New Jersey Unemployment Claim Status
Did you know that many of our New Jersey state park offices sell firewood?
By buying local, we can help protect nearby forests from the spread of invasive insects and diseases.
Find local firewood and learn about safer firewood practices while camping in a New Jersey state park or forest: https://firewoodscout.org/
Do you know a local firewood producer or vendor in New Jersey?
Tell them to contact Courtney Willitts at: Courtney.willitts@dep.nj.gov or 609-649-3279 to be added to the Firewood Scout free vendor listing or visit the Firewood Scout website and click on “Add A Business” at the top of the screen.
In particular, the Jersey Grown firewood program addresses environmental, economic and energy concerns facing our state and country. It promotes the availability of locally-produced, high-quality wood products for consumers and supports local economies; reduces the risk of spreading injurious pests and diseases; supports a sustainable, renewable energy resource; and protects the health and safety of our urban, suburban and rural forests.
For more information regarding quarantine areas and firewood regulations, please visit: www.aphis.usda.gov/aphis/ourfocus/planthealth/import-information/firewood.