Dog Stolen From The Pet Shoppe In Middletown is Returned – Police Investigation Continues

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Dog Stolen From The Pet Shoppe In Middletown is Returned – Police Investigation Continues


Puppy Returned Back Safely

The owner of the store, Dana Dieugenio said
two girls came in with the two-pound Cockapoo.

Here is an update on the dog that was taken from a Middletown pet store.

The owners of the store spoke to News12 and said two girls came in with the dog.
The two pound cockapoo not even two months old is said to be okay.
The store is under construction and the owners say otherwise the dog would have been in the back and this would have never happened.
Owner, Dana Dieugenio was so upset. She felt angry and had every emotion.

Dana said, she was walking back and forth outside, kind of with my hands up not knowing what to do.

Police tonight saying they are still investigating who's behind this.

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