Actor Joe Pesci Finally finds buyer for his Jersey Shore mansion asking for $6.5m

American Dream Mall in New Jersey

With Halloween approaching, children, teenagers, and even some adults will be preparing their costumes in the hopes of a pillowcase or bucket full of candy from trick-or-treating.
In your state, what is the most popular Halloween candy? What are the top ten most popular Halloween treats in the United States? CandyStore.com's new insights analyze 14 years of sales data to give the answer to both. The bulk candy store looked at sales data from 2007 through 2021, focusing on the months leading up to Halloween.America's Top 10 Favorite Halloween Candy
1. Reese's Cups
2. Skittles
3. M&M's
4. Starburst
5. Hot Tamales
6. Sour Patch Kids
7. Hershey Kisses
8. Snickers
9. Tootsie Pops
10. Candy Corn