I am delighted to announce that I have been selected to compete in the 2023 Miss New Jersey Competition on Saturday, June 17.
Hi my name is Tom and my life was altered forever when I was diagnosed with a rare lung disorder: Interstitial Lung Disease. This killer takes no prisoners as it spreads rapidly, is irreversible and has no cure. At this time I have a three year life expectancy. The only information from the doctors is that it is a hypersensitivity to something in my environment.
ello, my name is Inna. I and other fellow Ukrainians are fundraising for Irina.
Irina is 36 years old woman, a mother of 3 (6, 8 and 10 years old), a wonderful wife and just a kind human being. Irina's family moved to New Jersey from Ukraine in July 2022.
On February 27th, Irina and her middle son were coming back from a library (which is located a short distance from their apartment, in Parlin NJ). They were crossing the street on a crosswalk (when it was the pedestrian's turn to cross) and were hit by a car. Irina, like a true mother, pushed her son out of the way and took the hit completely on herself.
Anglers may cast their hopes for a great catch this weekend, as New Jersey waterways – freshly stocked with more than 180,000 rainbow trout – are ready for the beginning of spring trout season on Saturday, April 8.
imageApproximately 100,000 anglers of all ages are expected to head to their favorite fishing spots on opening day, which kicks off at 8 a.m. Trout season in New Jersey, bolstered by the efforts of staff at the state’s Pequest Trout Hatchery which is marking its 40th anniversary, provides an excellent opportunity to spend quality time outdoors while also enjoying some outstanding fishing.